Canadian albums
Todd's Picks: 2024 Albums
Looking back on a year's worth of very solid album releases and reflecting on the ones that stuck with me the most
Local Vancouver jazz reviews of new album releases.
Canadian albums
Looking back on a year's worth of very solid album releases and reflecting on the ones that stuck with me the most
Vancouver albums
The co-leaders play duo once, recruit improvisers from around the world, and still make such a ‘Vancouver’ album
Vancouver albums
Live, local, early-2000s Wakeling on bass with Brad Turner trumpet, John Gross saxophone, & William Thomas drums
Canadian albums
The sound on Goudy’s album, Shepherd’s own latest record called Three Things, and Andrea Superstein’s work
Vancouver albums
Afraid of projects that are too experimental and inaccessible? You'd be wrong to look past it
Vancouver albums
Last week, I had an easy hook to get people interested in Benjamin Sigerson’s Frankie's show
Vancouver albums
Aaron Loewen guitar / vocals, Cam Boyce violin, Wynston Minckler bass, Dylan Ranney drums
Vancouver albums
On the legendary local pianist’s new trio album Fire Waltz and his jazzfest show at Frankie’s
Vancouver albums
More than a Coltrane-influenced quartet date, this live record features Dee Daniels thrice
Vancouver albums
Unity duo recorded by David Sikula at Monarch: Erez on plucked strings, Honari on percussion
Vancouver albums
The shredding, the drumming, the riffs, the licks, the intensity gets your neurons firing
Vancouver albums
Over an hour of piano with some voice, dramatic, theatrical but soft, occasionally vulgar