Ted Kadonoff - McGill Music: First Semester
Ted plays trombone in McGill’s classical music program. At age 18, she has wise insights on where motivation comes from.
On the Rhythm Changes Podcast, Ted Kadonoff discusses her first semester of studying music at McGill University, from September to December 2021.
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We talked about:
- How Ted Kadonoff did at her first McGill Jazz Orchestra concerts
- Her nerves for the first day of Jazz Orchestra 1
- Caity Gyorgy being a good friend, and the importance of having someone to cut through nervous energy with
- What it’s like that her degree is in classical instead of jazz
- Other differences between classical and jazz majors
- Whether or not Ted made the right personal choice about that, while thinking about it in Grade 12
- Her memories of being in the New Westminster Secondary School band program and jazz band with Jack Colish as the teacher
- How she chose bass trombone back then (and how I started on upright bass)
- More nerves for Ted, this time in the BCMEA honour band with Christine Jensen as the director
- Why these nervous experiences and uncomfortable learning times are so awesome to be aware of
- Why music school is the best place to make like-minded friends at age 18
- Reckoning with the way music-school friends become your future colleagues
- Graduating with no backup plan
- Ted’s closest role models for her career
- How I realized music school wasn’t for me
- The role that Ted sees for teaching in her career
- What photography taught Ted about other creative pursuits (Laynah: Following your instincts, appreciating the things that make your work stick out as different or unique, and the process of editing)
- Thoughts on the music profession being a mental game
- Shouting out the NWSS contingent at McGill